Obstacles to Daily Planning

It’s just human nature to resist change, especially if you feel that what you are currently doing is working for you. Trying a new way of being productive in college takes persistence and adult self-discipline. In high school, you likely didn’t need a planning calendar. Your teachers and parents were always there to keep you on track. Now, in college, you are surrounded by so many other things you would rather be doing and you don’t have that constant support from your professors and parents. It’s up to you now. Below are some of the most common “excuses” I hear from students as to why this whole Google Calendar thing just isn’t for them. They never gave it a chance. Let’s get you more productive and able to enjoy your free time guilt-free - because you have a PLAN.

I just don’t have enough time

  • You have all the time you need to accomplish what matters most.

  • Planning can save you at least an hour for every 15 minutes of forethought.

I’m just not that disciplined.

  • Discipline takes practice and incorporating it into a daily ritual.

  • It doesn’t come naturally for everyone but it can be learned.

I’m not really in control of my time.

  • But you have the ability to make better use of the time that you DO control.

Unexpected things will always make it difficult

  • Effective planning leaves buffer time for “reactive” events. 

  • Your plan will always be flexible if laid out effectively.

Highly productive people are just born that way

  • Planning for productivity is a skill that anyone can develop.

  • You can change your self-image.

I tried before, and it didn’t work.

  • You can try ‘planning-lite’ first, a way to ease into the habit.

  • Persistence is the key to any new behavior.

My temporary circumstances won’t allow it right now. I’ll be more productive later.

  • Fact: it’s not temporary. What is temporary becomes permanent unless you change something now.

  • You don’t have to wait until your circumstances change to become more productive now.

I’m not good with technology

  • True productivity doesn’t require complex technology or systems. It’s more about aligning your daily activities with you priorities. You can do that.

It’s voluntary, not like an assignment with a due date.

  • Again, discipline takes practice and incorporating it into a daily ritual.

  • You are an adult now, with adult responsibilities.

  • Focus on the benefits that it allows you - less stress, more control, etc.

I LIKE living freestyle. I don’t like rigidity.

  • But you won’t like cramming for exams, missing assignments, and missing out on fun opportunities.

  • Your calendar will be flexible, not a rigid minute-by-minute battle plan.

  • You will be so uber-productive that you’ll fall in love with that feeling.

Let’s make this semester the one where you elevate your college experience. With effective Google Calendar planning, you will experience less stress, better grades, more college fun, and productivity you didn’t realize you were missing.


Surprise… Adulting Actually Begins in College


Semester Success Tips